Adding pictures to your website is easy and straightforward. Before we start - make sure that you are signed into your page, via the link at the bottom of the page. You can tell that you are signed in, by the large Edit / Dashboard bar that appears at the top of the page.
What do you want to do?
Tip! You can also apply the usual formatting to your image; aligning it left, right etc.
Tip! To help files load up to your emenu browser website quickly, try resizing your images using an image resizing software, or photo-editing software before uploading.
Uploading images or any other files is done via the File Manager. You can get to the File Manager by editing a Content Block or Image Block, and adding an image (seeĀ Add picture to text content).
Upload a single file
Uploading multiple files
Tip! Resizing your images before uploaded also means that your website will be much faster for your customers to see. Try and keep file-sizes low, so that customers don't get bored of waiting for your website to load!
Image Blocks are an easy way to insert a banner/advert onto your page when no additional text is required, as they can be quickly linked to another page on your website, or to an external URL.
Tip! You can also add a link to this image by clicking the 'Select Page' and then choosing where you want to direct a user when they click it.
Slideshows are a great way to show off multiple images, for example; your dishes or restaurant, without overwhelming the customer by displaying them all at the same time.
Tip! You can alter the duration that each image appears, using the 'Duration' textbox.
Tip! Try adding an html link (e.g. to an image to take customers to more information when they click on an image they are interested in.